History Lesson: Urban Mobility at the Turn of the Last Century. What’s the lesson from the “History of Electric Scooters? ” or even electric vehicles? On the morn of an AV class, my mantra is:
Create the future of mobility. Be careful about predictions.
At the end of the 19th century, Texas cities and other places saw EVs precede the internal combustion engine. In San Antonio, EVs were advertised alongside the horse and buggy. And cities saw street cars above ground and subways underground.
In the teens, electric scooters gave women a way to travel independently sporting billowing skirts and police officers a way to dart down alley ways.
By the 50s and 60s, the car was king of the road. And then there is alot more history — planes, trains, smart cars, shared bikes, dockless scooters, and AVs.
We are at another crossroads in transportation. What will we choose it to be? I am setting my sights on A3CES. Accessible, Automated, Active, Connected, Electric, and Shared Mobility Systems.
How do you want to travel when we return to work?
Would you like the full story? Check it out the “History of the Electric Scooter.”