Hello, I’m Kelley Coyner. I connect tech firms with cities and states to bring sustainable mobility solutions to all.
Creating the future of mobility alone is too hard; let’s work together — you’ll be unstoppable.
You don’t have time or resources to create a sustainable path by yourself. Especially now. You need a program of pilots to take your solution to scale. You need a path to funding. You need collaborators in operations. You need alignment with infrastructure owners. You need plans, pilots, and partners to power through to Accessible, Automated, Connected, Electric and Shared Mobility solutions.
Communities and Campuses want your mobility solutions, and they don’t “get” you.
Everyone is excited by the technology. Everyone wants to be the first. And there is a disconnect. It feels like tech firms and governments don’t speak the same language.
Everyone needs mobility solutions that:
🔹 Match rides to get people to work, school, or a vax.
🔹 Rebuild bus, rail, or air service.
🔹 Tame curbside chaos.
🔹 Knock down barriers to access and accessibility.
🔹 Make it safe, efficient and feasible to bike wherever.
🔹 Keep workers safe on the way to, and at work.
🔹 Clean up transportation with clean energy.
The stakes are high and the upsides are huge. And there are so many potholes along the way.
I’ve been taking mobility innovations to scale for years
From the beginning, I honed my expertise in funding, procurement, planning, policy and work force development, and matching technology with with mobility.
I started with funding and hurricane recovery and reforming transit.
Then I helped launch EV pilots and implement perfomance and risk based safety and tech standards.
Along the way, I have helped to put transit investment on an even footing with highways by pioneering new partnerships among government, universities and the private sector.
I have used data analytics to match performance objectives with meaningful metrics.
I led resiliency and emergency management in the National Capital Region and helped introduced CAVs, EVs, and even micromobility.
For most of a decade, I helped translate disruptive tech in mobility innovation.
Since 2013, I have worked with hundreds of leaders in government, businesses, universities and nonprofits to navigate disruptive technologies. I helped bring innovation to scale as :
The head of a regional transit agency.
An innovation advisor to engineering, planning, data, insurance, robotics, and automotive firms;
Co-founder a AV consultancy and mobility innovation lead for a global engineering firm.
Over and over again I was reminded that it is not the technology that is core of innovation. It is planning, policy, piloting, partnering, funding, and workforce development that are the building blocks.
I learned a lot that make the path easier for tech firms, cities, and campus to leapfrog mobility solutions over those potholes.
I can help you navigate
It’s not paying for introductions that evaporate after a courtesy call. It is about building from your strengths and converting new contacts into allies and partners.
It’s not about magic words that make you sound smart. It is about getting in front of the right people ready to speak the same language.
It’s not relying on traditional procurement that fritters everyone’s time. It’s about creating and funding mobility solutions that meet the needs of cities and campus owners.
It’s not about an outsider creating your strategy; it’s collaborating to:
🔹 Align Mobility Tech and Data Offerings to client needs.
🔹 Designing Mobility Products, Partnerships and Pilots that lead to sustainable business models for government.
🔹 Creating “mobility innovation hubs” and innovative mobility hubs.
🔹 Building your team’s ability to move in the mobility market.
🔹 Advancing safer, equitable, sustainable communities through A2CES.
Professional Profile: Practitioner-Researcher-Teacher
I am a four time “CEO” of a federal agency, two regional agencies, one transit, and one in homeland security; and one technology consultancy.
A lawyer by training (and by trade for a while), I am most proud of my work on disability rights for flight attendants, transit riders, and kids with ADHD and to protect survivors of domestic violence.
I have taught or researched at MIT, Harvard, the Coast Guard Academy, University of Maryland, and George Mason University. I learned the most from tutoring grade school kids and my college classmates.
I have created five courses and 10 workshop modules on A2CES including a graduate seminar, engineering executive education, and online/on-demand education on Smart Mobility.
I have been the principal investigator, author, and contributor to more than 25 guides, books, frameworks, white papers, and articles on Mobility innovation.
A few other things
I live in Virginia with my husband Tim and now itinerant off-spring.
I grew up in Texas; it’s always home.
I’ve hiked in mountain ranges on four continents including weekly treks in the Andes when I lived in La Paz, Bolivia.
I’ve written for National Academy Press, the Australian Ranger Rick, and all types of publications in between. My best handle is “Mobility Momma.” My favorite piece is “Too Tired to Tango, Fun in Buenos Aires with 2 under 7.”
I have been appeared in major print and broadcast media including morning shows, talk shows, and 100s of newspapers. My most memorable stories? It is a toss up most amusing, Geraldo, most unlikely appearing Vogue’s Fall Fashion edition, and most engaging, an interview with Larry King.